Strolling Players Christmas Concert

The concert – entitled ‘Mince Pies and Melodies’ – includes popular songs from the shows as well as a selection of festive Christmas music. Seasonal refreshments will be served during the interval.Tickets – @ £10.00 each – can be purchased by phone from Stephen Yeomans on 01564 778163 or from Joan Ransom on 01564 777634. […]

Christmas Fair 2022

Don’t miss the Knowle Village Hall Christmas Fair on Saturday 3rd December 2022 from 10.00am until 1.00pm. There’s fun and games for the whole family – Name the Teddy, Count the number of sweets in the jar, Guess the weight of the cake – to name a few… Then enjoy a seasonal mince pie with […]

The Revels Drama Group presents The Heiress

  The Revels Drama Group presents “The Heiress” – a period drama by Ruth & Augustus Goetz – on Thursday 13th, Friday 14th and Saturday 15th October 2022 at Knowle Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. Heiress Catherine Sloper lives with her widowed father in a fashionable area of the city.  When a young man comes courting, she’s swept off her feet, but are his intentions truly honourable?  Does […]

Award-winning Male Voice Choir Concert

On Saturday 10th September at 7.30pm, the award-winning Birmingham Canoldir and Icknield Male Voice Choirs will join together to present a gala concert of favourite melodies at Knowle Village Hall. There are still a few seats @ £15 each available for this prestigious event, so please reserve your tickets (which can be collected at the […]

Photos of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Open Day

On Saturday 4th June the Village Hall celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by hosting an Open Day between 10am and 4pm. Crowds of local people came to discover more about the community groups that use the hall & to find out a little more about what they do in the heart of our community. Our […]

Revels Drama Group’s ‘Murder in Play’

On Thursday 12th May, Friday 13th May and Saturday 14th May, the Revels Drama Group are presenting their latest murder mystery – ‘Murder in Play’ by Simon Brett at 7.30pm in Knowle Village Hall. Sit tight to your seat for a good night out! Tickets cost £8.00 for Adults (£7.00 for Concessions) and are available […]

Table Top Sale

On Saturday 7th May we’ll be holding another of our amazing Table Top Sales! Why not come along and grab a great bargain between 10am and 1pm? We have all sorts of interesting items to sell, and this time EVERYTHING MUST GO – so come and have a look, and make a bid that we […]

‘Showtime’ with The Strolling Players

  SOLD OUT!!  On Saturday 9th April at 7.30pm The Strolling Players are presenting their first post-COVID concert. Entitled “Showtime – Favourite songs from the shows”, the concert features popular songs such as “Oklahoma”, “Getting to know you” and selections from Kismet, West Side Story and Cats. Tickets (£10) are available in advance from David Duggins […]

Knowle Village Hall Fundraising

KVH Needs You

Please help us raise £1,000s in 2022 for: New toilets and much more! Donations, raffles, sales, concerts … Anything you can do! Please contact Chris Adderley on 01564 775428 or email