The Revels Drama Group presents “The Heiress” – a period drama by Ruth & Augustus Goetz – on Thursday 13th, Friday 14th and Saturday 15th October 2022 at Knowle Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm.
Heiress Catherine Sloper lives with her widowed father in a fashionable area of the city. When a young man comes courting, she’s swept off her feet, but are his intentions truly honourable? Does he want Catherine for herself, or is it her fortune he’s after? This period drama, based on the novel ‘Washington Square’ by Henry James will keep the audience guessing until the curtain falls.
Tickets @ £10 each are available by telephoning the Box Office on 01564 779 801 or in person from Palmers (Fashion and Schoolwear), High Street, Knowle.